【 Yearly / 2 Lenses】 GBT Brown/14.0mm/1232


  • Amazing color change, very comfortable!

    lideyah | | Hits 2231
    • I needed a pair of natural-looking brown lenses for a cosplay, so I couldn't get lenses with a very large diameter. I didn't want to look like an adorable little kid, as the character I was cosplaying is an adult man.

      The color change was VERY dramatic. They blended into my blue eyes very well because I have a yellowish/green ring around my iris, so it appeared to be a very light brown when I had the lenses in. I've been wearing contact lenses for a good few years now, and they are very comfortable. This whole brand, in general, is very good if you want a natural looking change to your eye color.
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  • Nice effect ☆
  • Super comfortable!
  • Beautiful Lenses (Natural eye color: brown)
  • super recommendable! !
  • Like it♥
  • I totally Love them.
  • My favorite pair of lenses to date!
    [Rose S]
  • Dark Brown Eyes
  • The color and design of these lenses are great,
  • Amazing color change, very comfortable!