

  • Pretty color but wrong power??

    Lucy | | Hits 1780
    • Beautiful color but I tried them on and one of them makes my eyes blurry. I can see better through one of them and both should've had prescription. I tried to switch them around but it's always the same contact. Maybe you guys forgot to prescribe it right? Because I know my prescription and my other contacts are the same but this one. And I just got it today!
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  • "[NEW]CherryGRAY1406"
    [Isabella Nguyen]
  • Need to have more axis
  • Very satisfied
  • Pretty color but wrong power??
  • Great Daily contacts!
    [E.AN ]
  • Toric Gray on Brown Skin! (1)
  • Great contacts
    [Lu S]
  • Great contacts
    [Lu S]
  • Natural, love them :)
  • Awesome!
    [Nene Vue]