【Yearly / 2 Lenses】 Skinny Hazel Brown /157


  • Very nice SKINNY HEZLE Brown

    Justine Finney | | Hits 2536
    • It's definitely beautiful, the lens are like a hazel color. It's not a solid color, the lens has the hazel in a rim, with like flecks so if you have brown eyes like me, it looks like your eyes are "highlighted" I think they're very nice! They're not subtle but not extreme either
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  • Skinny Hezle green Very good product.
    [Anika Nee-yo ]
  • Love them!
    [sally ]
  • Excellently Cute
  • Dry and Sensitive Eyes
  • Nice! Skinny Hezle green
    [Jessie M Hofstra]
  • Really natural, Really green!
    [Squirrel Dream]
  • Super natural for light green eyes
  • Skinny Hezle green
  • comfortable and beautiful
    [Lillie-Joe Joestar]
  • Very nice SKINNY HEZLE Brown
    [Justine Finney]