【 Yearly / 2 Lenses】 GBT sky blue 1234


  • Super nice

    ciyradyl@yahoo.com | | Hits 3636
    • Super comfortable to wear all day, not drying at all. The blue was very bright and noticing on my dark brown, almost black eyes in real life. People did a lot of double takes when they saw me (in a good way), “Wait, you have blue eyes?” Very much recommend this series. I also have the grey version and I love it as well. They look amazing in my makeup photos too.
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List Write
  • Love the contacts
    [Wanda Vargas]
  • Love the color.
    [Denese Brewer]
  • Very comfortable
    [Angela Carra]
  • Pros & Cons
  • Hope for silicon hydrogel lenses
    [Nisarat Gellner]
  • Amazing
    [Rita ]
  • Wicked looking
    [Denese Brewer]
  • Nice!
  • Super nice
  • Satisfactory