【 Hapa Kristin 】 Cheerful Kristin / brown / 1660


  • Recently I've been trying out various colored contacts 🧡

    sa1114chi | | Hits 1376

    • Recently I've been trying out various colored contacts 🧡

      This colored contacts is popular in Korea.
      Ordered by @queencontacts👌

      Among them, recently popular
      [Hapa Kristin] Cheerful Kristin brown / 1660
      14.2mm in diameter
      BC 8.7mm
      for 1 month

      There is no sense of incongruity wearing it at all 😳
      Because it was always just one day
      Thank you for coming with the storage case 🙌
      If you use 14.5mm, the balance of your eyes will be scary   

      I'm glad that this site also handles a lot of small sizes 🧡
Write a Comment
  • seriously so cute💓😘
  • Cuteness❤️
  • YouTube Review of Needstem Green Contacts
    [Elle Gray]
  • This is the best lens from Hapa Christine! ̖́
  • This is too good to be true✨
  • The olive color contacts I chose 🫒💚
  • Give your eyes a stylish look in an instant 👀✨
  • It's cute
  • Awesome!
  • I hope you have a great winter!!
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