【 i-DOL Lens 】 EURORING Mel Beige / 1731


  • New Euroring from i-DOL

    onikuchan | | Hits 4
    • The rimless design is popular these days and makes your own eyes look like the rim.
      The tiny dots are very dense so the color is good and it makes your eyes look lighter with less pigmentation.
      I like the natural look of i-DOL so apart from the size this ring seems a bit unique and new!
      It colors well even on the iris so I'd like people who admire lighter colors like Chame-san to try it out♡
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  • New Euroring from i-DOL
  • The light pigment gives a translucent impression
  • The mysterious design is cute!
  • Autumn outfit
  • Hapa Kristin👀🍿 modeled after Wonyoung from IVE
  • It's so beautiful💖✨
  • Recommended for those who like light-colored lenses❤️
  • It's unusual and cute 🥰
  • Thank you so much !!
  • Milky gray 🍼♡♡
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