【ULTRA BIG】 Daisy K17 Black /716


  • Great product Daisy Black

    Anonymous Person | | Hits 2136
    • Although I had a hard time putting them in (only because I don't wear contacts) they were great. Once I finally managed to get one in my eye it looked so cool. They have a good dolly affect and made my eye look so cute.  They felt weird (again I don't wear contacts) but it's definitely something I can get used to. 
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  • Love them!
    [J. Michelle Mattison ]
  • Amazing Daisy Black
    [Damien Ferne ]
  • Bad experience
    [Claudia S]
  • Very comfortable
    [Kali ]
  • its very Comfy
    [Charlotte ]
  • Pretty, but not comfortable.
    [Ms. Yang]
  • Couldn't wear them at all
    [Aliyah S]
  • Great product Daisy Black
    [Anonymous Person]
  • So far so GOOD!
    [Trina ]
  • Skinny Hezle green Very good product.
    [Anika Nee-yo ]