BEST【Astigmatism /2Pair】 Luna Blue Toric + Honeydew Brown Toric


  • Love the look but....

    Chelsea | | Hits 1605
    • I love the way these contacts look, but for some reason I can not wear them outside. I also tried using rewetting drops to see if dryness was the problem and that didn’t help. I don’t have as much of an issue with indoor lighting unless it’s ridiculously bright, it’s mostly just the sun. Once I remove the contacts and let my eyes breathe for a few hours the sensitivity goes away.
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  • Pretty
    [Saewu Kim]
  • Love it
    [Peach ]
  • Dramatic
  • MY FAVORITE!!!!!!
    [nikki ]
  • cute and natural looking
  • love them
    [Liliana ]
  • 2nd time purchase!! product is good!
    [Sook Min Mah]
  • The circle lenses are so pretty I love them
    [Ana Gutiérrez]
  • Love the look but....
  • Skinny Hezle Grey Lenses Are Awesome
    [Niki Traynor ]