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【UV Blocking・PREMIUM】 INNOVISION Elite II 3-tone Grey / 1682

【UV Blocking・PREMIUM】 INNOVISION Elite II 3-tone Grey / 1682
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  • Duration of 6-12 months means that after opening the contact lens it can be wear for a period of 6-12 months.
  • Depending on the monitor screen, there may be a slight difference in color between the real and the photo, so please understand it with generosity.
  • If you should exchange the item inevitably, please send back the goods at your own expense.We do not offer shipping labels.

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

Elite2 Gray

The gray color lens of the latest trend! Vitalizing the eyes

Based on the color gray, it makes the dull pupil elegant, 

with the yellow graphic in the center spreading outwards! 

If you often enjoy wearing gray lenses, this is a must!

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

NAME Inno Elite2 Aqua / 1680
DIAMETER 14.2mm BC 8.7mm
PACKAGE 1 Pair TYPE Soft lens
BRAND Innovision ORIGIN South of Korea

0.00 ~ -10.00

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

It is made by Tetrafilcon A, nonionic material which prevents 57% of protein deposits,

and 43% of water so that it is moist and flexible and it is proper to eyes. 

and it keeps eyes moist by assuring tear circulation with sandwich method.

Also, it proved on the UV test that it blocks UV-B and UV-A efficiently.

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

We took the closest picture to the real thing to help you purchase!

Check the graphic size and color and then purchase it!

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

Innovision, Korean color contacts, colorcontacts, natural, elite2, gray

Staff comments

Elite 2 Grey, light grey is attractive:)

In addition, the yellow image captures the eye very well, 

creating a vivid facial features! Fashionable color! Elite 2 Grey♥

lensbc faqHow long does shipping take for "MYOPIA" Contacts?

EMS Shipping(3~5days)+ lead time (2 days) = Total 1 Week

Internationalregistered mail(10 days)+lead time (2 days) = Total 2 Weeks

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