Hapa Kristin
Product Information, Display

HapaKristin's muse,
Ive's Jang Won Young's
Best Collection is revealed!
One&Only Kristin Beige
1 Day
It creates a more lively look by adding brightness to the existing natural brown color.
It's a bright and lively new color beige!
It is aimed at the taste of warm-toned people with an honest beige color without gray.
Check out the new one and only color now.
Dewy Kristin Brown
1 Day
Clear and lively eyes like dewy spring flowers, "Spring flower lens x Jang Wonyoung"
The combination of water-bearing dew graphic and clear layering creates
a lively and transparent atmosphere.
Join #SpringFlowerLens, Dewy Kristin with a clear color!
One&Only Kristin Brown
1 Day
HapaKristin's Signature #One&Only Kristin.
It is a design that always looks lively with a combination of delicate
and soft graphics inspired by drawing and natural brown colors
that are slightly brighter than the colors of the eyes.
It's also recommended for those who try color lenses for the first time.
One&Only Kristin Gray
1 Day
HapaKristin's Signature #One&Only Kristin.
It is a delicate and soft graphic inspired by drawing,
and the true gray color, which even warm-toned and cool-toned people
have a crush on, always looks lively.
It's also recommended for those who try color lenses for the first time.
Glazed Kristin Choco
1 Day
It features a warm brown color like a freshly baked doughnut
and a shadowy border expression.
The original pupil color is visible inside the wide optical zone,
which naturally melts into any pupil color.
Create a clear, glistening look as if coated with sugar.
Secretive Kristin Dusk Brown
1 Day
It's a two-tone design with a thin circle line.
It is good to wear daily with an amber point color that reminds you
of the shining street lights at night and a toned down color overall.
Sugar High Kristin Beige
The secret to confidence, #Sugarhigh Kristin.
A trendy beige color that permeates translucently
without floating on any skin tone with fine dots.
Experience a three-dimensional face without wearing makeup
with symmetrical highlight design and a clear circle line.
One&Only Kristin Brown
HapaKristin's Signature #One&Only Kristin.
It is a design that always looks lively with a combination of delicate
and soft graphics inspired by drawing and natural brown colors
that are slightly brighter than the colors of the eyes.
It's also recommended for those who try color lenses for the first time.
Peaceful Kristin Blue
It is a design that matches the thin circle line and the inner graphic in tone-on-tone.
The light-thick circle line creates a soft atmosphere,
while providing a variety of vibes depending on the color with excellent color.
Secretive Kristin Brown
It's a graphic representing the light reflected in the pupil.
Transparent two-tone graphics and circle lines are gradated,
making it elegantly harmonized with the original eye color.
The toned-down brown color creates a soft and calm feeling.
Dewy Kristin Gray
Grey color that forms as transparent as dew.
#dewlens that fall clear Dewey Kristin.
With a small diameter lens without a border design,
see the transparent tone-up eyes as if they were originally bright-colored eyes.
Secretive Kristin Beige
It's a graphic representing the light reflected in the pupil.
Transparent two-tone graphics and circle lines are gradated,
making it elegantly harmonized with the original eye color.
The sunlight-like graphic through the shadows creates a mature look.