BEST【Astigmatism /1Pair】 BT Gray Toric / 828


  • Toric Gray on Brown Skin!

    ToricLensWearer | | Hits 2771
    • This is my first time ordering colored contacts. These took a while to ship to me (about a month or so). Also I didn't know if it was me, but it took about another couple weeks of wear for my eyes to get adjusted so I could actually see out of them.

      All that aside I really am in love with these contacts. They are gray, but come off a light blue and really enhance my eyes. I get compliments on them all the time, they just look so natural, and I can see clearly in them with my prescription. They don't hurt and I can wear them all day (8am-8pm) everyday. They do get dry if there's a fan blowing in them or if you keep them in all the way until bedtime.

      I cant wait to order more so I can see all the different looks I can have.

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  • Jae Smith | 2017-05-31

    Oh and these are Dubea BT Toric Gray Contacts NOT Barbie Gray. The 1st picture is of me in natural light, the 2nd are my own eyes, and the 3rd is indoor lighting.

  • "[NEW]CherryGRAY1406"
    [Isabella Nguyen]
  • Need to have more axis
  • Very satisfied
  • Pretty color but wrong power??
  • Great Daily contacts!
    [E.AN ]
  • Toric Gray on Brown Skin! (1)
  • Great contacts
    [Lu S]
  • Great contacts
    [Lu S]
  • Natural, love them :)
  • Awesome!
    [Nene Vue]