Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown (Bambi series) / 003


  • I love these

    Niki Buckno | | Hits 2462
    • Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown 14.8mm
      Natural eye color: Brown but it changes from time to time.
      Comfort: 5/5
      Color: 5/5 
      Enlargment: 5/5

      I love these circle lenses!! These are my first pair of circle lenses ever. When I first put them on, it didn't bother me at all.  I wore these for about ten hours and my eyes didn't get dry or red. These circle lenses seemed to have improved my eye sight a little when I put them on & I didn't get them in prescription lol. These lenses are great for that dolly effect but they are also great for everything. I'll be buying more circle lenses from pinky paradise soon! I found a neat pair for my Mavis cosplay. :)

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  • Great for light eyes!
  • Amazing lenses!
    [Lily Solomon]
  • My Perfect Lenses
    [colleen mayson]
  • cute
    [Jamie Crowley ]
  • First circle lenses~
  • I love these
    [Niki Buckno ]
  • THE BEST ONES I BOUGHT so far...
    [Charmaine Evangeline]
  • My first circle lens!
  • Amazing Enlargement!
    [Anonymous Person]
  • I love them!
    [Anonymous Person]