Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown (Bambi series) / 003


  • Amazing lenses!

    Lily Solomon | | Hits 2474
    • These are great for people who want a dramatic look, but are a lil scary haha.
      My natural color is  blue and these lenses look stunning on them. 
      Enlargement: 10/10 (bit too much for everyday imo)
      Comfort: 10/10 (they don't slide or hurt, don't even notice I'm wearing them, more comfy then Vassen Rainbow Eyes)
      Color: 10/10 (such a beautiful color, haven't seen one like it)

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  • Great for light eyes!
  • Amazing lenses!
    [Lily Solomon]
  • My Perfect Lenses
    [colleen mayson]
  • cute
    [Jamie Crowley ]
  • First circle lenses~
  • I love these
    [Niki Buckno ]
  • THE BEST ONES I BOUGHT so far...
    [Charmaine Evangeline]
  • My first circle lens!
  • Amazing Enlargement!
    [Anonymous Person]
  • I love them!
    [Anonymous Person]